Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome to Its My Lane

Its My Lane is about the positive and transforming effect that bicycling can have on your life. Currently it is about urban bicycling because I live in New York City and use my bicycle every day. I have found it to be a complete joy. Mostly because I get to see the urban landscape in a wonderfully indulgent way and notice and experience things you would not normally experience using other modes of transport.

But there is a greater goal. It is my sense that people in urban environments seem to have lost their sense of human joy. The intense over-stimulation of the urban landscape as seen from trains, cars, buses may have desensitized us to what is real and pure and experiential and human. And "mass media" (defined here as anything that comes to you through a screen) has made us fearful of real world experiences. I do not think this is a good thing for human kind.

When was the last time you actually heard your breath as you stepped down a woodside trail? Or enjoyed the intense joy of a stream in the woods? Sadly, the urban landscape coupled with the constant drone of the media has robbed us of the feeling of being human.

A few years ago I attended a technology conference and had a heated discussion about the difference between virtual life and "real" experience. I had difficulty convincing my "arguer" that the feeling you get screaming down a hill at 35 mph on a bicycle was substantially more real than going down a hill in a virtual video game.

The goal of Its My Lane is to create a content rich space that people can use to transform their own urban bicycling experiences. Ultimately this will migrate to the website ( And perhaps a television program that brings these experiences (mine and others) to life in an entertaining way. And there are an infinite number of product ideas that can come from here. And, I hope to help young people in urban environments discover how bicycling can help them grow into productive and happy people.

But for now let me say welcome.

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