Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Are People Obese?

On my ride to work this morning I was struck once again by how many people seem to be carrying too much weight on their frame, and I am not referring to their panniers or bicycle frames.

America is an incredible country, perhaps the greatest nation on Earth. But we have too much. Too much food and too many conveniences that allow us to literally be lazy.

It is a choice to take care of your body in a way that makes you fit. And the bicycle is a wonderful way to transform your body and your life.

The joy that one can feel by using two wheels and pedals to transport is boundless. The side benefits beyond physical health are there as well. You can literally see the world around you in a way that you have never experienced it before.

So I encourage you, during this Labor Day holiday weekend, to put the car keys in the drawer, put some air in the tires, and try and use your bicycle for all your errands!

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