Friday, September 21, 2012

How is riding a 100 miles on a bicycle like running an innovation company?

A few weeks back I achieved the bicyclists version of a runner’s marathon: the century ride - - 100 miles in one day.  As I rode I began to realize what a powerful metaphor it was for my business, innovation, and so its achievement became even more powerful for me.

Here’s why:

A specific goal to achieve was established.

Without goals people, like businesses, tend to drift from one event or crisis to another. Does it often seem that life has no plan because you always have to attend to what is directly in front of you?  Having a goal that is tangible as well as a stretch is a way of giving context to chaos, meaning to mush, and focus to action.  I think those are all good things in our life and especially in the innovation business.

I envisioned the outcome weeks before the ride date.
The most successful visionaries can see, feel and taste the outcome of what they want to accomplish. You internalize your vision. “What will I feel like when I cross the finish line?” Making that feeling real helps you push through the months of training. In innovation we are often working on projects that are undefined and vague but envisioning the outcome keeps us working even when things seem completely undefined.

Failure was not an option.
The fact that I told EVERYONE I KNEW about my ride  meant that, short of being hit by a bus, I had to finish. How embarrassing otherwise. And so failure was not allowed. This mental state means you push through no matter what. Bring that same attitude to an innovation challenge or any business challenge and you get it done.

Doing good while doing well.
A life well-lived is one with a virtuous cycle (no pun): we know what we do, how we do it and why we do it. It is the why that many in commerce struggle with. The why must have a higher purpose - - something that gives back and makes the world better. When we have no “why” we usually are just going through the motions. My “why” was about being green; I think everyone should ride a bicycle if they have the opportunity to use it as a replacement for a fossil fuel trip. The world would be better. Your body would be better. Your mind would be clearer. You get the picture.

I got to be in my dream state.

Dreaming, whether you are awake or asleep, is often where we find our best inspiration and solve tough problems. For me, the act of bicycling produces a heady dream-like state of mind. I begin to think about my toughest problems and often solve them on my bicycle. I carry a pen to scribble and a Blackberry to tap. Innovation requires a dream state. Bicycling and innovation are made for each other.

I began to believe I had the power to accomplish anything.

Something changes in us when we accomplish great things. We understand what it is like to win, to achieve, and to conquer our fears and anxieties. Professional athletes know this feeling well. And business people know it as well. Success brings more success. Once you know what it feels like you want it again and again and you begin to know what to do to get there.

On ride day I never checked the distance covered or average speed or how long it was taking. I usually fixate on those things when I train. Instead I “enjoyed the journey” and lived in the moment all while achieving a tough goal. In the achievement of our life goals, time is the only barometer we have to measure success. The distance covered or goals achieved are simply the outgrowh of how we chose to use the precious time we have. 

Happy cycling.

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