Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Best Analgesic

Last night I gorged in an eating frenzy. It wasn't my fault. American Express sent me a gift certificate to the gourmand capital of American eating: The Capital Grille. It was all delicious, and they told me there was a hoist in the back should I need to be lifted out of my booth (and I think they may have been serious).

Despite the fact that Jeanne and I actually split a entree, the portions are so gargantuan I do not understand how people can eat that much. But it does provide an understanding of why so many of us have so many extra avoirdupois.

I went to bed feeling awful. There were joint and bone pains I never had before. It was not food poisoning - - just overindulgence and I think the body screams at you in its own way.

So I got on my trusty ride and pushed it (now up to 8990 miles!). It hurt. It screamed. But after 45 minutes all the pain seemed to evaporate. My fears of a femur breaking and poking through my flesh on its own accord evaporated. I actually began to feel normal again. (A treatise on what is normal will follow sometime in the next decade.) time you feel awful from overindulgence, get out on your bike!

By the way, the new Willis Avenue Bridge is now open. It's ugly but smooth.

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