Thursday, December 16, 2010

You Can Never Be Late

I assumed a philosophy a few years back that ensured that I could never be late. Here it is: “Wherever you are is where you are supposed to be.”

We’ve all heard those stories of the people who missed the plane that crashed because they got stuck in traffic, etc. This philosophy is part that and transcends it. Here is why.

What is the hurry? Why are we always in a rush to get to where we are going? When you get there, are you calm, relaxed, reflective and feeling a oneness with the universe?

I suspect not. You are probably anxious about where you need to be next. How can you be in the moment if you are always in a rush to be in the next moment?

A few years back I was sitting next to a beautiful river with a dear friend. Two dragonflies flitted about and both came to rest on my knee.
I never forgot the moment because it was so tranquil. The entire universe stopped for just that beauteous moment.

I think of that moment when I get my knickers in a twist to rush somewhere.

Where I am off to in such a rush? What will be there? Will I be happier or more satisfied because I got there in a precise manner? Is where I am going so important that I need to be stressed out?

Relish the now. Wherever you are is where you are supposed to be at that very moment. So you can never be late.

And relish the people you are with in that now. It will never come again.

And so it is on a bicycle in NYC. The world screams by in a rush. On two wheels, you can slow it down and savor the moment.

Happy holidays.

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