Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Councilman Eric Ulrich's Regressive and Discriminatory Proposal

For those of you unaware, there is a councilman in Queens, NY who has put forth a proposal to register all bicycles with the government and that all bicycles should have an identification tag.

Mr. Ulrich's priorities and understanding are misplaced. He would be better served introducing legislation to make drivers safer, enforce traffic laws for motorists, and encouraged the populace to use bicycles.

The proposed legislation is like asking people to register and wear an id tag on the next pair of running shoes they purchase. After all, you use the shoes to walk. And you may walk into somebody and they may fall down and you might run away. So shouldn't we make sure that everyone who wears running shoes register them with the government. You can see this is a slippery slope.

And what an irony. We have a democratic president in the White House issuing an executive order to examine federal regulations to free up commerce. We have a republican councilman in Queens New York seeking to regulate the most basic of freedoms.

For those of you who are unaware, bicycles are a pollution free and healthy alternative to almost any other form of transportation. As an everyday (and civil) commuter in Manhattan, I daily witness at least 6 automobiles running red lights. I see drivers speeding, getting in accidents and polluting our precious world. I see people texting, phoning, eating, reading and being otherwise distracted while driving a 3000pound weapon every day.

Perhaps Mr. Ulrich's priorities should first be turned to those infractions and leave the mostly harmless bicyclist community alone.

For the economically disadvantaged, bicycling represents a legitimate option to more costly forms of transportation. Registration is one more economic burden for them and regressive by design if not discriminatory.

All in all, this is a bad idea. Mr. Ulrich, there are so many more important issues to attend to. Please withdraw your sophomoric and offensive proposal.

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